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Traffic and Parking Changes

Beginning today (Tuesday, January 7, 2025), fencing along the South and West side of the Jr-Sr High Cafeteria is expanding to allow for dirt work to begin for the Cafeteria expansion. This will eliminate the parking area between the Cafeteria and the Field House and will reduce that drive to one lane. Once again, we ask for your continued patience and cooperation to keep traffic moving and keep our students safe.
The front and south entrance to the cafeteria will no longer be accessible. Students will enter through the new foyer in the mornings and at lunchtime. In the mornings, faculty and staff will be stationed to direct students to the new entrance.

Bus Riders - Buses will drop off students at the corner of the new fencing behind the Cafeteria.

Remember! If you see lights flashing, please stay behind the bus as they drop off students.

Car Riders - Please drop off and pick up student on the hill by the new gym and auditorium only.

Do not drive between the cafeteria and field house if you are not a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, JH/HS EMPLOYEE or DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION. This causes more congestion and confusion.

Traffic in the mornings will be one way IN. 
Traffic in the afternoon will be one way OUT.

2024-2025 Junior-Senior High Yearbooks on Sale Now!

A flyer announcing the sale of 2024-2025 Centerville Jr/Sr High School yearbooks for $45.00. The flyer includes a QR code for ordering and instructions for paying by check.

Winter Break Coming Up!

Graphic about Centerville ISD's Winter Break which is a School Holiday on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th. It also states that classes will resume on Feburary 18th.

A red background with a white stop sign featuring an outstretched hand and the text 'Report Bullying'.

A green button with the text 'See Something...Say Something' and a call to action to submit an anonymous tip or school safety issue.

A poster with text that reads "Parent and Family Page".

Centerville Junior-Senior High School

813 South Commerce

Centerville, Texas 75833


Fax: 903-536-3133

Principal: Claudia Mordecai