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Grading Policy

Mrs. Franklin’s Grading Policy


  1. Corrections- Students will have the opportunity to submit corrections after any assignment. The corrections should be resubmitted along with the assignment. The corrections will be returned to the student for editing until all questions are completely correct. Students can receive half credit for each question missed, that they correct. Students must follow directions on the correction form to earn credit back. If corrections are incomplete, no credit is earned.


  1. Make-up Work- Upon returning to school, students are to make immediate contact with the teacher to make up excused work (i.e. having a note from a health care provider). Students will have three school days to make up missed work. A student who does not make up the assigned work in the allotted time will receive a grade of zero, per district policy.

    Tests: If the student was present for the review or received the review handout, then they will be expected to make up the test on the day of their return.

    Assignments: If the student is absent on the day an assignment is due, then the assignment must be turned in immediately upon return. Projects are not extended once assigned because of an absence.


  1. Late work- Late work will not be accepted after the due date if it is not attempted. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all assignments on time. Most work is graded by the next day, so late work will not be acceptable in that case. There will be ten points deducted from all work that is one day late, and ten points the second day, and so on. Students are encouraged to speak with me if they are having an issue that would cause them to turn work in late.


  1. Cheating- Students caught cheating, copying work of another student, or giving assignments to another student to copy, will receive a zero for the assignment. The person allowing the other to cheat will also be given a zero for the assignment. This grade is not eligible to make up.


Six weeks grade = 60% daily grades and 40% test grades.


Final semester grade = Average of all six weeks grades.


Daily grades will be assigned to quizzes, journal activities, class participation, completion of work, homework.

Major grades will be assigned to tests, journals, and various projects.


****Students who have scored less than they want to on an assignment should speak to me about doing corrections to raise that grade.

Stephanie Franklin

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Contact Stephanie Franklin

Classroom Number:
Conference Time:
8th period- 2:45-3:30