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Leah Bell


Mrs. Bell’s Classroom Expectations &

Policies and Procedures 2020-2021

Mrs. Bell’s email: 

In order to guarantee all students in my classroom the excellent educational climate they deserve, the following classroom rules will be in effect at all times.


1.     Be prepared – Bring notebook, paper, journal and pencil to class every day.  Also, bring any necessary material for special activities or projects.  These materials will be decided upon and assigned prior to each activity or project.

2.    Be on time – Be in the room and WORKING when the bell rings.  The bell will not dismiss this class, I will.  Do not attempt to pack up belongings early.

3.    Be respectful – be courteous to other students, the teacher and their property.

4.    Be appropriate – Respond and act according to the classroom situation.

5.    Be on task – While in each class, work only on your assigned activities while in that particular class.

6.    Follow all school rules.- cell phones are to be turned OFF and placed in the pockets in my classroom.

***Consequences when rules are broken:  If you choose to break a rule you must accept the consequences of that choice.

1st time: student warned

2nd time: student warned, sent out of the classroom, actions discussed and consequences determined

3rd time: student sent immediately to the office

Any serious disruptions will result in being sent directly to the office.






In accordance with district guidelines, each six week grade will be determined as follows:

60% Major assessments- including tests, journals, and various project, consisting of at least 3 test grades

40% Daily work: consisting of at least 6 daily grades including: quizzes, journal activities, class participation, completion of work, homework

Final semester grade = Average of all six weeks grades and final semester exam.



Homework will be assigned as needed . It is the student’s responsibility to turn the homework in on time. Most homework will be given on Monday or Tuesday and is not due until Friday to allow for any activities the student may have that week. Homework passes may be used and will replace the homework assignment with the grade of a 100.


Unfinished classwork:

All work assigned during the class time is expected to be completed before the end of the class time and turned in. If a student does not finish, they may take the assignment home and finish it. This type of work is due at the very beginning of class the next day, no exceptions. 




If the student was present for the review or received the review handout, then they will be expected to make up the test on the day of their return. If a student failed a test, it is the student’s responsibility to get with me and set up a time to retake a new test. The grade can be replaced with a grade up to a 70. I will take the higher of the two grades. If the test is failed the second time, and they want to raise their grade,  I require the student to schedule individual tutoring with me in order to work on the material they are struggling with, then take the test again. 


Make-up work

Upon returning to school, students are to make immediate contact with the teacher, and check your notebook pocket, to make up excused work (i.e. having a note from a health care provider). Students will have three school days to make up missed work. A student who does not make up the assigned work in the allotted time will receive a grade of zero, per district policy.



If the student is absent on the day an assignment is due, then the assignment must be turned in immediately upon return. Projects are not extended once assigned because of an absence.


Late work:

Late work will not be accepted after the due date unless the student was absent. The student will receive a zero for the work not turned in. They are allowed to replace the zero with a grade up to a 70 by completing a different assignment similar to the one not turned in on time. Please remember that homework is given on Monday and not due until Friday. This allows plenty of time for the student to get it done. It may be turned in earlier, just not late. It is the student’s responsibility to get with me for the make-up work.



Students caught cheating, copying work of another student, or giving assignments to another student to copy, will receive a zero for the assignment. The person allowing the other to cheat will also be given a zero for the assignment. This grade is not eligible to make up.



You must be in your seat working on your warm-up with your calculator when the bell rings; otherwise you will be marked tardy in the gradebook.


Restroom Passes:

Each student will be given 3 restroom passes each six weeks period. The student is responsible for keeping up with their passes. If a student comes in tardy for class, they will use a restroom pass in order for the tardy to not be recorded in the gradebook. If they are tardy, and no longer have any more restroom passes, they will be counted tardy in the gradebook and district policies will be applied for disciplinary actions.



Technology MAY be used in class from time to time. Standard district technology policies will remain in effect; however, WIFI enabled devices may be used in class at the teacher’s discretion. Technology that is used without permission will be taken up and turned into the office. If we are not using technology, all devices should be turned OFF and put in the class pocket holder on the wall (not in student’s pocket, bag, or on the desk).

Journal Expectations

In math we create an interactive math journal. This is a very important part of every class. Students are required to have this journal every day in class. There will be a warm up on the board every day, and the student is required to copy the question, and date, and answer the warm up. We will always go over the warm up to make sure everyone has the correct answer.  We will have a journal test from the journal at the end of each six weeks. The test will be questions straight from the journal warm-ups, foldables, and handouts. The journal may be used on the test(open notes). This should be an easy 100 every six weeks. The journal is a big responsibility tool in my classroom. If they are disciplined enough to write the journal warm-ups and answers every day as soon as they enter my room, they will do well. If a student is absent, it is THEIR responsibility to copy the missed warm-up question and answer from their “Make-up Buddy” or another student, in case that warm-up is one of the questions on the journal test.


Point Deductions:

These point deductions are applicable to any assignment given.

No name: -10 points

No last name: -5 points

No class period: -5 points

Incomplete sentence: -2 points

Incorrect capitalization: -2 points

Incorrect punctuation: -2 points


Mrs. Bell’s Content Schedule:

1st 6 weeks: Rational & Real Numbers, Scientific Notation, Data Analysis

2nd 6 weeks: Slope and Y-Intercept, Proportional and Non Proportional Relationships

3rd 6 weeks: Proportional and Non proportional relationships, Transformational Geometry

4th 6 weeks: Angle and triangle relationships, Pythagorean Theorem, Surface Area and Volume of 3-D shapes

5th 6 weeks: Surface area and Volume, Data Analysis, Financial Planning

6th 6 weeks: Financial Planning, intro into Algebra, End of year project

This schedule is subject to change, and we may need to spend more or less time on some topics.

Remind 101:

I will have a remind 101 set up for

my classes. Please sign up so you

and the student can receive reminders

of important events like tests and

assignments due.

To sign up follow the instructions

to the right.

Google Classroom:

Mrs. Bell’s Class Codes:

8th Math Class: mhdx2e6

Sett Math Class: pal4lze

Return to Mrs. Bell

I have read and understand Mrs. Bell’s Policies and Procedures for Math.

Parent/Guardian contact information: 

Parent/Guardian Name(s):______________________________________________________ 


Would you like me to contact you best by:

o   Phone Call

o   Text

o   Email

We are a class that will be training a Therapy dog to go serve in another school or facility at the end of the school year. We take this training very seriously, but reap many rewards from doing so, and serve a bigger purpose. Please Check the box if we are able to use your child’s photo or video from the classroom while working and training the dog. This is an amazing opportunity that we are blessed to participate in.

_____YES, my child’s photo/video may be used to show the dog’s training.

_____ NO, do not use my child’s photo or video in any dog training. 


Student Name (please print)

__________________________________________    ____________

Student Signature                                                      Date 

___________________________________________  ____________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                 Date

Is there any additional information about your child you would like me to know?
